Simple Tips And Tricks For Your Iphone

You are probably already aware that your iphone is no ordinary phone. You bought your iphone to reach those standards impregnated by popular culture, high-speed internets,gossip around the halls, which is exactly what it is going to do. However, are you aware that the iphone has many hidden features? Here’s some tips to help you better enjoy your iphone.

It is now possible for Siri to let your program a location-based reminder. You do not have to say “At five I have to call work, Siri.” You now say “Siri, please remind me when I arrive home to phone work.” So, when the phone realizes your location has changed, the relevant reminder can be issued. You’ll be able to use reminders more effectively by making them location-based instead of time-based.

Your iphone can guide you from one location to a new one. If you try the map feature with the GPS when searching for directions, you can locate the best route to your destination and even find gas or shops along the way. Bookmark the map for ease of use.

If you want to stay on top of your email, tag your account to your iphone. It’s frequently convenient to view emails as they come into your inbox rather than waiting to view all the emails you receive during the day. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.

Are you questioning the last text you sent out? Did Auto Correct change the meaning of it yet again? There’s a super-easy way to undo the damage: just give your iphone a quick shake. Doing so undoes anything you have recently typed. Remember that this is optional, so you have to check Settings first.

An iphone has great capabilities once you learn how to properly use it. Hopefully this article has armed you with all the information you need to become a quick-handed professional with your iphone and enable you to enjoy all that it has to offer. Have fun with the iphone!

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